• Just Breathe Yoga (map)
  • 339 Girod Street
  • Mandeville, LA, 70448
  • United States

Facilitated by multi-instrumentalist and Shamanic Practitioner- Jonah Tobias
What to Expect:
Shamanic Cacao is a heart opening drink made from raw chocolate that has been used since the time of the Mayans. It carries a sweet and connective spirit, and facilitates spiritual awakening. We will begin the night by sharing a special cacao from the Mayans of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, and getting to know one another through conversation and authentic relating. Then we will be led in a brief meditation and movement before settling under a blanket to be guided into our hearts and bodies through live instrumentation. The sound bath is a guided journey featuring african harp and kalimbas, singing bowls, ethereal chimes, shakers, rattles, guitar. shamanic chakapa (leaf rattle), drums, and more. Featuring elements of meditation, shamanic journeying, and reiki, we welcome you to relax and replenish while connecting with community.
The additional plant medicines of hape' and sananga will be available after the close of ceremony, as well as a discussion of shamanic plant medicines
Jonah Tobias is a professional kora player (27 string African harp), and a student of Tantric Enlightenment and the Shamanic Traditions of the Amazon under the guidance of Taita Ale from the Quechua Tribe of Ecuador. He leads ceremonies with a variety of medicines and serves to bridge the worlds of spiritual magic and the mundane.
See his music here- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKVgSp4xXMA&t=40s
Dress comfortably and eat a light snack before coming. You may bring fruits and desserts if you'd like.